cartomency cards represent 52 weeks in a year. Red and Black symbolize night and day. The four suits represent the four seasons; there are 13 cards in a suit to match the number of lunar cycles and 12 court cards that represent the 12 months of the year. If you add up all the symbols in a deck they add up to 365.
Runes- Runes Have Magical Powers: They could predict the future, counteract harmful forces, provide various qualities, or they could be used in incantations. But most of the known runic inscriptions are of a more down-to-earth nature and were for everyday use.
The pendulum responds better to questions where there are "YES" or "NO" answers .
When you are in delimma or confuse about two options you can go for Dowsing .
what does signature says about you ?
The signature represent your success & thought process it reveals a lot about your personality - both in life and business.
In North East india Wolf is spirit animal people worship wold as GOD.
Universe or The Divine energy creats only three thing on the planet -
Thats the reason we human offer flower ,plants & animals to God /Goddess to show our gratitude towards them .As every plant & animal helps in solving life related issues .
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